Introducing the New Executive Director, Cassie Oliver

The Moab Area Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Grand County Economic Development Department and Moab Community Childcare to better understand your business needs. Your input is essential to our understanding and efforts to support our businesses community.
Please fill out this survey as comprehensively in your open ended questions as possible. Thank you!
If you are interested in supporting local business and align with our mission to “ENGAGE, EMPOWER, AND EDUCATE BUSINESS FOR GREATER SUCCESS” send a letter of intent telling us about yourself to director@moabchamber.com . The time commitments are as follows:
Board membership entails a monthly board meeting (the 2nd Wednesday of each month 8am-10am), the monthly luncheons as often as possible (3rd Tuesday 12-1pm), and serving on a committee within the board (Executive, Community Action, Housing, Hospitality, Economic Development, Events), and the retreat in February which is usually an 8am-2pm workshop planning for the year.
We have annual events we are a part of that run more smoothly with board participation. It is not required that you attend all of them, but would like board members to be able to commit to 2-3. This is the Business Summit, Golf Tournament, Banquet, Tree Lighting and Parade.
Click on the links below to nominate: